Education is the key for a successful career, which is why it is the primary responsibility of all parents to send their children to school. Although education is a necessity, not all parents are able to fund their children's schooling. Others usually stop after they graduate from high school.

This is truly happening in almost any part of the world, and according to statistics, the number is increasing year after year. And this is probably why the government and other private organizations are looking for ways to give scholarships to capable students with limited financial resources.

Students are not alike; in fact, each individual has his/her own distinct characteristic and talent. Some students have talents in the arts, dancing, singing, and music. Now, there are scholarships for particular fields of interest. And if you do love music very much, there are a lot of scholarships for college music.

Music is very popular, and many students are becoming interested in this certain area. Although some parents may not like their children to pursue a career in music (because what they want is a more stable career), students have a choice.

Here is a list of some of the music scholarships available for students:

1. vocal scholarship from Bel Canto; this foundation awards over $15,000 to opera singers with ages ranging from 20-37 who want to pursue an opera career in America
2. John Lennon program for BMI scholarship; this is a scholarship awarded to songwriters who are able to write original compositions. But you can only take advantage of this scholarship if you are invited
3. Scholarship award by String Magazine; this is open for students who are currently in undergraduate program; the award is usually based on academic merit, community service and financial need.
4. FAME also awards college scholarships for students who are nominated for professional achievement for senior college students.

The internet can provide you with a wide range of music scholarship resources. There are different websites which you can visit, and once you’re in their site, see what requirements are needed in order to qualify for the scholarship.

Almost any big university offers a form of scholarship, check with their registrar for scholarship information. There are universities in your local area, take time to visit them. It would be best if you make a list of the different college scholarships awarded to students with interest in music.

Music is a field of interest which only very few individuals take interest. So if you're one of the few people struggling to get a college degree in music, begin your search for the scholarship. If you think, you can pass the required qualifications, go and take the chance.

Like any other student dreaming of a life in college, you should not be discouraged by the difficulty that you're now facing. People have problems, and that can't be avoided.

Financial constraints are not enough to stop you from getting that college education. Choose the best option available for you. This is your way to a dazzling career in the near future.

You are a gifted individual. Share your talent with other people, and show them your love for music. And who knows, you might just be the one that the music industry is waiting for all these years.

Read about one woman's journey to healing and her inspiration to begin her own business. Her desire to design, her determination to succeed and the struggles she overcame will inspire and encourage you.

The Angel Stop, Christian gifts, angel pins, framed pictures, business, God, Christian, inspiration, Entrepreneur, women, mothers, stay-at-home moms

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Kathy was sitting in her recliner at her home in California with 3-year-old daughter Lindsay cuddled at her side. Both were watching a show featuring an actress who had designed a line of Victorian jewelry. “I would love to design jewelry,” Kathy thought. But immediately, the all-too-familiar lack of self-esteem whispered, “You could never do that,” and she promptly shoved the desire aside.

The desire lay forgotten through several years, the addition of two more children to the family, and two more moves that ended just outside of Houston, Texas. But fifteen years later, Kathy has four children ages 24, 18, 13 and 11, and is the owner of, a Christian retail jewelry and home decor company based in Sugar Land, Texas. When Kathy talks about how the company began years ago, she leaves out the business jargon she has recently been forced to learn as a former nurse and stay-at-home mother. Instead, she focuses on the God whom she says has been in the business of healing her life and the lives of others through the company.

“The whole process of this company has been healing. I didn’t intend to have a company, but God had intentions for the company,” Kathy said.

The retail site began as a hobby for Kathy in 1996. She said she had a need to create, but after having four children, two of which were still toddlers, there was little time to finish projects. So she was delighted to find that she could design brass and silver-plated angel pins in one sitting. Kathy began to give her pins to family members and friends, and one relative suggested she send the designs to someone involved in the Atlanta Gift Mart. By January of 1998, the angel pin line was in one of the top showrooms in the Atlanta Gift Mart. Today, Kathy’s hobby has grown into The Angel Stop - Christian Gifts: Angel Pins, Framed Pictures found at

Through the business’ growth Kathy says that God was doing a greater work in her life personally. There was a need for healing in her life because of events that stretched back into her childhood, and God began to mend her heart as He began to grow the company.

“I had shame, low self-esteem, the urge to hide or run or both. As Christ began working in my life, I would ask for healing and the forgiveness needed to get rid of the bitterness. But every time He started moving me in that direction, the pain would rear its ugly head and I would retreat back to my prison cell. It was the only secure place I thought I knew.

“God took me to rock bottom in 1997, and through a period of great emotional pain, God gave me Isaiah 61:3. From outward appearances, I had everything, but inside my life was in ashes. Over the next few years God created beauty from those ashes and led me to the place where I could be planted firm in Him, and His glory could be displayed.”

“The company became part of the healing because through the process of growing a company, He pushed me out of my corner where I wanted to stay - the place I was most comfortable in. And to survive, I had to rely on Him. Through the process of Him forcing me out to the world, I found out life was all about Him and that my sufficiency was in Him. I want my life to be about the display of His glory, and my desire is that The Angel Stop be a company that glorifies God and a vessel through which He ministers.”

Today, Kathy’s desire is to inspire women to step out with confidence and boldness into whatever God has set in front of them. She says that she has learned through her own journey of healing that faith doesn’t mean the absence of fear, but the courage to take steps in the midst of fear.

The path Kathy has taken since the desire to design was sparked eleven years ago has been marked with fear at times, but Kathy says it’s been well-worth the struggle.

“A few years ago the Lord reminded me of when I was sitting in San Jose, California with my daughter, and I said I couldn’t design jewelry. But He has shown me that He can achieve anything through me.”

The mission of is to provide manufacturers and distributors with a very affordable 24/7 online industrial trade show booth to exhibit their latest technology and special product offering(s) to a worldwide audience of potential buyers.

We have made it as easy as possible to find exactly what you are looking for. There are multiple searches and indexes to help you quickly navigate to a specific manufacturer, product, or service booth.

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The mission of is to provide manufacturers and distributors with a very affordable 24/7 online industrial trade show booth to exhibit their latest technology and special product offering(s) to a worldwide audience of potential buyers.

All booths are the same size, creating a level playing field for all exhibitors. Cost is kept low because we do not believe it makes sense to recreate your website on ours. Once interested, a buyer can simply link directly from your online tool show booth to your website instantly for additional information or to place an order.

For the buyer, is a user friendly door to a 24/7 accessible marketplace where you can find tooling suppliers of needed new technology that will sharpen your competitive edge or find favorably priced equipment, products, and services for which you presently have a need.

We are providing a GLOBAL, 24/7, industrial tool show to exhibit your product(s) and services so that potential buyers may find your company booth quickly, easily, any most importantly at their convenience, anytime day or night.

We have made it as easy as possible to find exactly what you are looking for. There are multiple searches and indexes to help you quickly navigate to a specific manufacturer, product, or service booth.

Books and articles abound on the subject of the keys to our personal success. But who really has the most useful life fulfilling keys?


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From movie stars to gospel singers the race is on to tell the world how to succeed by using the keys, the secrets or principles these people found in life. Usually these keys are purported to be the only way they or anyone else will ever succeed. Seven keys to financial wealth, the twelve keys to a more powerful life or the three keys to a more peaceful life, these are the essence of the success keys.

There are many questions I have asked in prayer over the thirty five year long period I have believed in God. For about half of that period one of the questions I asked was “what is success.” In the last few years I have become absolutely sure of the answer. It came through viewing the lives of successful people and the lives of so called “losers.” The biggest surprise I found in this years long search was finding that success is usually determined by the definition a person uses and little else.

If a person’s personal view of success is faulty then even those on the top of their game might actually be losers. Conversely those thought of as losers would be seen as quite successful. What does all that mean?

When Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan one of the offers made to him was to be made the ruler or the highest overseer of the entire known world of that time, Luke 4:5-6. Not many people will ever be made that kind of an offer even though many will try for it in various ways. From ancient days to the present there have been people like Antiochus Epiphanies, Caesar, Hitler, Saddam Hussein and others trying to climb to the top by any means possible. I have heard very few people ever ask the question of where Satan got those kingdoms. How could he offer them to anyone and what right does he have to give them to someone?

Without getting bogged down in theological mish mush lets take a quick look at who Satan really is, we will start with who he isn’t. He is not the Hollywood ugly that rears his head with unstoppable horror and dread to beat the humble little praying minions of God. He is not the master of Hades as in Dante’s Inferno but rather he is its chief victim. He is not the apparition that coldly blows through the room full of titillated worshippers in a satanic cult. The Bible says he is the ruler of the “cosmos” which is another way of saying that he is the ruler of the “world system of evil.” That includes everything in this world. Power, fame and fortune are all within his rule not to mention all the lesser temptations and callings. He has been giving these things to people for centuries and it will not end until the second coming of Christ.

When some rich mogul appears on a talk show telling of the amazing secrets of their success I am sure they have no idea what they are talking about. I would bet they don’t even know where the door is, much less the key. When some actor who has degraded everything dignified or holy in film and is applauded by his peers and who now wants to reveal the keys to his or her success I for one am doubtful. I am doubtful that they will ever know before their own death and resurrection that they had nothing to do with their own personal success. It was given to them. It was given by the same one who once offered it to Christ. And the Devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world in a moment of time. And the Devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee; and to whomsoever I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine. Luke 4: 5-7

Most of the keys offered to the unsuspecting are no more than someone’s prideful accounting of the steps they think they ordered so perfectly by which they rose to the top. Human pride being the perfect cloak to cover their eyes from seeing the simple fact that they got none of their booty or fame by their own power, it was given to them. Before you go preaching the gospel of your success it would do well to checkout the source of your success.

The source of worldly success is rarely ever questioned in this world. Chalk that one up for the God of this world; he has no intention of revealing himself as the source. Men usually gauge success by the product of their lives or efforts and almost never do they question the source. They think only of themselves as the source and the product as the proof. If you make tons of money you have succeeded even if you sell porn to get it. If you are the Governor or ruler of a kingdom you have succeeded, regardless of how much you don’t care about the ruled or how you got your power. If you are known the world over as an actor that proves your success even if your movies betray everything that is right and good or holy.

Still looking for a key to success? Let me offer one key, I can’t take credit for this key because it is God given. But without this key everything you do will count as a failure even your successes. It is what the Bible calls the “Key of David.”

“…these things saith he that is holy, he that is true, he that hath the key of David, he that openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth. Revelation 3:7.”
And what is the key of David? It is your faith in the life, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Clearly if you have not placed your life in his hands you have not succeeded. You can die poor, unhealthy and unknown but you will still have succeeded if you life is in his hands. That’s success!

I’ll go one step further. Ill even show you the door that the key unlocks, the rest is up to you. Jesus said…I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. John 10:9

When planning Christmas games for young children, the options are endless. Make sure you provide room to run, do a little planning and the kids are sure to have a good time.

Let's start with a few relay race ideas. Begin with a candy cane relay. Give each team 4 candy canes (and be sure to have a few more in case some break) and have the child who's running hold the candy canes between their fingers, with the crooked part of the cane hanging over their fingers. But tell them not to use their thumbs. The canes should be just carefully perched between their fingers.

The children run to their teammate, exchange the candy canes (again, only using fingers), and that teammate runs to the other end and does the same. The game is over when only one team still has candy canes that haven't dropped on the floor.

Another fun relay that kids love is pass the ornament. In this game, each team gets one ornament (a lightweight, basic thin glass one is fine) and a straw. They must blow through the straw to get the ornament down the line, then the next child blows on their straw to get the ornament back down the line. Make sure each child has a fresh straw, as you don't want everyone to get sick.

This next simple relay game can be played with just about anything that signifies Christmas. You could have the children pass a Santa hat (perhaps requiring them to wear the hat as they run down the line) or have them wear Christmas socks that they then have to take off and get to the next child during the relay.

"Santa Says" is a fun game that all children will know how to play because it's just like "Simon Says". Before playing it, confirm that each child is familiar with "Simon Says" and then create a series of orders from "Santa", like "Santa says, touch your toes", "Santa says bend your knees" and so on. But sometimes leave the "Santa says" part off and trick the children. Always a popular game!

Young children love the "freeze dance" which is often played in preschool and kindergarten. Only in this game, you create a Christmas freeze dance: here you play some Christmas music, let the children do a little dance, then turn the music off and the children must "freeze". If there will be several sit-down games played at the party, this is a great way to let the children use some energy before they have to sit down and focus on the other games.

Young children can play the "clue" game as long as the questions are kept to their knowledge of various things surrounding Christmas. The game is played like this: the teacher gives a series of clues about something Christmas related and keeps giving clues until someone shouts out the answer. It might go something like this:

Answer: Santa's sleigh
Clue: I'm thinking of something big
Clue: It helps Santa on Christmas Eve
Clue: It holds a lot of presents
Clue: It's very fast

You keep giving clues until he children figure out the answer. Since these are young children, don't give clues that are too difficult or beyond their knowledge.

Kids love toss games, so why not create a snowball toss game at Frosty's belly? Get or make a large cardboard cutout of Frosty the Snowman and cut a hole in his stomach. You can create snowballs out of several things. Take plastic bags and put mini marshmallows inside, or use Styrofoam balls. If you use the latter, don't make the children throw the "snowballs" very far since the Styrofoam won't go that far. Have the children stand a distance back from Frosty (you can determine this depending on the age of the children and space you have available) and have them toss the snowballs into Frosty's tummy. First one to get all 3 snowballs in the tummy wins a prize!

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